A PowerPoint lesson introducing non-fiction texts and Touching the Void. Interactive lesson which introduces the book and the key characters. Comprehension activities, language task and extracts included.
A really great collection of starters (55 slides). Each starter has a selection of quotes from a real EDUQAS exam. The students need to use the quotes to write an exam answer (PEE or simple answer). Sometimes a starter sentence will be included for weaker students. I give each class three mins to complete the starters against the clock. The following starters are included:
Q1 information retrieval
Q2, Q3 & Q4 language analysis & PEE
Q4 Impressions question, language analyis & PEE
Q5 - Evaluation question
exam terminology starter on verbs, adjectives, adverbs & nouns (two worksheets included)
top 8 incorrect spellings starter
An information sheet for students taking the EDUQAS exam. The simple A4 sheet shows the length, date and weighting of each question with an exam example.
I have also included displays I have put on their folders to remind them what is expected in each exam.
60 page PowerPoint on the impression question on the paper 1 exam. There is a lecturer podcast also provided by a GCSE examiner. Grade 9 answer analysis.
A huge amount of resources on the fiction reading paper. This exam looks at the Obed extract. All of the 5 questions have an individual PP and lecturer podcast. All resources included!
A video which explains how to answer question 2 on paper 1 (the HOW question) of the GCSE English Language exam. Can be used for any exam board but aimed at EDUQAS. The following are included:
PowerPoint - 70 slides
Word classes sheet
Perfect Pee sheet
Interactive images
A fun and informative PowerPoint lesson on Cockney Rhyming Slang. The lesson includes definitions, links to video clips, slang examples and group activities.
A PowerPoint lesson looking at the theme of narrative writing. The following points are covered:
Personal Narrative
Fictional Narrative
Point of View
Conflict (Man vs…self / man / nature / society / technology / supernatural)
Plot - using Disney’s Mulan as an example.
A lesson on the language question (HOW…) in paper 2. It’s based on the Summer 2018 exam which looked at two articles on volcanoes. The resource includes the following:
Model answer
Language analysis
Group activities
Examiner insight
Modern, fun and dynamic images to help analyse the text.
Connotation advice
Answer structure
Exemplar work
Exam paper and mark scheme link
A great PowerPoint on the best (and most famous) opening paragraphs in fiction. Each book has its example with interesting images. Great for teaching creative writing.
My lessons teaching narrative writing. I have included 14 of my PowerPoints and all other documents. All resources are modern and interactive. The following topics are covered:
Examples of student work (bad, good, great)
Language techniques
Famous opening lines
Famous opening paragraphs
How to write a successful ending
Sensory Language
Show, not tell
A 43-slide PowerPoint and resources on how to get grade 5-7 on the two language (HOW) questions in the exam. This is based on the NOV 2016 exam paper. This is modern, informative and interactive lesson which the students really enjoy. Exemplar material and model answer included. I have included pdf version of grade 5-6 marked work. Exam paper & MS available at: https://susansenglish.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/3-component-1-additional-assessment-materials.pdf
A really fun starter that my classes love. Students have 2 minutes to list the top ten of a topic e.g. 10 most used words in the English language, 10 most popular websites etc. Timer included which you can change for a longer/shorter time. I have included 13 questions for your classes to do (and the template is there for you to add more). It really gets the students engaged.
A fantastic PowerPoint on the EDUQAS paper 1 reading section. It based on an extract from Sally Rooney’s Normal People. The following is included:
Mock exam
Mark scheme
Examiner video
Mock exam PowerPoint
Mock exam feedback PowerPoint
Mock paper
Model Answers
Examiner advice
Highlighted quotes
Teacher tips
40-slide PowerPoint on how to get 100% on Q4 (the HOW/language question) of the GCSE English Language exam based on an extract from An Idiot Abroad (extract included). The resource includes the following:
Model answers
Answer structure
Language analysis
SPAG starter
Examiner insight
Modern, fun and dynamic images to help analyse the text
A starter my students love. A 40-slide PowerPoint full of fun questions and discussions points for students. Some are personal and some are general knowledge. Examples below:
‘What’s your most overused word?’
‘What is the only word that begins and ends with the letters “und”?’
‘Which three words best describe you?’
‘What is the shortest two-word sentence in the English language?’